How Savvy Business Owners 5-10x the Results of their Radio Ads Every Month

(and the special methods they use for better tracking )

by Lauren Dillon

If you're reading this, it means that you may be looking for a little more information about getting more out of the Radio Advertising you're already investing in to drive more revenue and to better track ad performance.

This isn't easy without a little strategic planning and setup, but it is possible with some advanced (but highly affordable) digital marketing techniques. 

We're going to explain some of the smartest pieces of the solution and best practices that we see savvy business owners using with their radio ads.

What I'm about to walk you through is going to make your radio advertising 5-10x more effective within the next 30-60 days (and the results will continue for as long as your advertising continues in the future).

Why Radio continues to be such an effective advertising medium for small businesses.


Radio is one of those advertising mediums that has continued to pack a punch during the age of the internet. While some less savvy business owners have left the medium and focused strictly on internet based advertising, we've seen a rising effectiveness for those that have stuck with radio.

Why Does Radio Advertising work so well for Small Businesses? 

  1. Radio continues to have a focus on the local community and, as a result, local community listeners have stuck by radio as a primary source of entertainment and information about their local space.

  2. The primary "Big Spender" demographics have stuck by radio as a daily companion.

  3. Multiple Businesses continue to feature local radio stations as the "background" for their waiting rooms, workspaces, and venues.

  4. Radio still has a huge "drive time" audience as people travel to and from work.

In short, Radio still has a massive locally focused listenership and those are the folks that hear a commercial and take action on that information and call to action. All that said, Radio Advertising alone continues to present some serious problems for small businesses utilizing it as a primary customer generation tool.

The Serious Problems that Radio Advertisers face cause business owners to abandon the medium (even when it's delivering huge results).

Even though radio is proven to be a huge player in the marketing for small businesses, it isn't without its' major drawbacks. There are two core problems with radio advertising that every small business must overcome when utilizing it as a medium.


Even though radio has continually proven to be a huge player in marketing for small businesses, it isn't without its' major drawbacks. There are two core problems with radio advertising that every small business must overcome when utilizing it as a medium.

1. Radio Advertising is Difficult to Track.

Try as we might, it is extremely difficult to measure how effective radio is for a business. Most of us that are utilizing it have a "gut feeling" about how well it's working for us, but we don't really have the numbers to back it up. This is mostly due to the next problem on the list.

2. The "Radio Call to Action" Problem.

Most radio ads end with a business asking people to call a phone number, come into a business' physical location, or visit the "front page" of a website. All of those present unique problems for tracking whether a customer came from a radio or from another medium. This makes it nearly impossible to track how effective your radio ads are.

3. You have to keep paying for Radio Advertising for it to continue to Work. 

If you "shut the faucet off", you stop getting "water to your business". This is the problem that has plagued radio advertisers for decades. You have to keep running the ads to keep getting the results through the door. There is no built in way to capture the leads that don't convert right away with radio ads and "funnel" them into your business over time.

These 3 problems are the reason that we've seen countless small businesses struggle to continue to justify their radio advertising (even when it's working well for them). 

How we 5-10x the Effectiveness and Results of every Radio Advertising Campaign using a special kind of Webpage and Follow up System.


One of the reasons we've been able to deliver huge returns for our customers is the last few years is that we've successfully been able to blend tradition Radio Advertising with Online Digital Marketing Technology.

You get the best of both worlds. 

You get the ability to reach all of your best customers on a local level with radio, as well as the ability to track the effectiveness of your campaigns with online tech. You also get the ability to build a list of interested prospects and "nourish them" into becoming a customer using automated text and email followups.

Our system utilizes a special online sales funnel to do the following: 

1. Radio Ad Success Tracking

First we build a web page that every radio ad drives to and the listener will be able to enter their information there. With this one change, you can now track all of your best leads from the radio ads. And have proof that the channel is working.

2. Clear "Calls to Action"

You can now get all of the regular business you get from your ads as well as send your potential customers to specific pages that aren't generic. These pages offer something of value to the potential customer in exchange for their information. We use that info to follow up.

3. You make money with the Leads forever. 

Instead of having to continue to advertise on the radio to get the results, you're now using your radio advertising to build your own "advertising channel" that you can use forever. Once you have the contact captured, you can send emails and text them future value. 

The results of using radio ads to build your own marketing channel

After 6 months to a year of advertising, our customers "own" their leads and can use that list to drive sales without having to continue tradition mass market advertising on the radio (or tv, print, or online). 

This truly means the money that you spend now on ads is to build your own platform to communicate with potential customers forever.

That may sound awesome, but how does it all actually work? 

How the Radio Ads Growth Engine gets you Better Results with your Existing Advertising Budget.


Here’s my Sincere Recommendation and Request.


While setting up your automated Radio Ads Growth system is something that you can absolutely do on your own, I know that your time is valuable. This is a task we do for our customers all the time and my team and I would love the opportunity to just do it for you. 

Once it's set up in 21 days from sign up, and you're sending people into your automated Radio Ad lead capture, follow up, and alerts system for 60-90 days, you'll be building a pipeline of future opportunity that will keep growing the longer you let it run.

Click Here to Book a Call Now and let us help build your business using the latest in marketing tech to supercharge your Radio Advertising.

Message Lauren, the author and
owner at OnlineKix

Call or Text me at (336) 537-5376