The Live Entertainment Marketing System | OnlineKix Digital Marketing


The Live Entertainment Marketing System

(mentioned in the video)

Diagram of Lauren's "Live Entertainment Marketing System"


1) The  bands that book the venue drive their audience to a deal, posting at least twice.

2) The staff promotes the Live Entertainment Alerts to new patrons.

3) The band and staff powered sign ups turn into repeat business from text reminders.

Lauren Dillon
Owner at OnlineKix

Call or Text me at (888) 417-2305

Video Transcript

All right! Hey my name is Lauren and if you're watching this video the odds are high that you have a venue that is powered somewhat at least by live entertainment. And so what we're going to go through inside of this short training is a system that we have used with tons of different bars, restaurants, coffee shops and businesses like that. 

We've used a system to automate the marketing and to grow those businesses in a predictable and consistent way, month after month. Okay, so this is all about building your Venue an automated Marketing System that works for you while you do other things. You can be sleeping. You can be out running another business. You can do all kinds of things but once you implement this system, it's going to work with your team to grow your business in a very predictable way.

Now the best part about this whole thing is that every week you run the system it gets more profitable for your venue. So you may be thinking, okay now how does that work? It's because every week that you do what we're going to show you in this video, um that we've been doing with our customers for a long time, is you're going to see how this particular system grows a database weekly. 

And when you grow that database weekly, you're going to have more and more people every single week to message to get them to come back to your business and these are going to be people that actually want to be getting messages from your business because they are really into live entertainment. 

And this is just a more effective way to reach them. Now what I mean by a more effective way to reach them is you're no longer going to have to depend on social media to grow. You're going to be able to drive your customers On Demand by putting technology in place that does that. Now this is all technology driven. It uses email. It uses text messaging. 

And it uses automations that acts as a brain to make all of these things work together with your team. What you're about to learn is how this brain turns your staff's work and the bands that you book into more money every single month. So what we're going to be covering is based into three parts and this isn't going to take us long to explain.

Part one is the marketing system explained from 10,000 feet up so you get a general sense of how this works. Part two is what we call our three kings marketing automations tutorial so I'll walk you through what those three kings are and how those automations work. From there we're going to talk about kind of how to start using this this week in your Venue to get it to grow. 

So if you're ready to rock we're going to dive in and we're going to get started with this. Let's talk about the system and how we're using it to grow businesses that are already hosting live events and how this is going to make that so much more effective. Okay so let's get into it. Part one. 

The Marketing System explained from 10,000 feet. I want to explain these pictures at a high level and I want you to think about two marketing funnels or forms. We're going to be using two marketing funnels to power this live entertainment marketing system. One is band powered. Okay this is the bands that you book. The agreement that they're going to have with you when they book with your Venue, is that they're going to do something that's going to power this first funnel.

The second is a staff powered funnel, meaning when people come through the door and they're actually in the venue and your staff's going to do something very simple that's going to get them into another funnel. Now the net result of this is every single week more and more people that are interested in live music and they're interested in being in a venue like yours, they're going to get on your list and into your database. 

And the more people that are in your database like that which are targeted, the more folks that we're going to have that you can send out stuff to all the time, and it is just going to result in more people coming through the door every time you have an event. So you're going to get out of this mode where you wonder if people actually know what's going on in your place.

 You're going to get to a place where people absolutely know what's going on because they're going to have a message from you and they're going to come. We’ve seen really great results so far with everybody we’ve done this with because they're giving their existing customers and their potential customers what they want and you'll kind of see what I mean in a second. 

So from the top part, let me explain this band powered funnel. So every time you have a new band or you have a new live Entertainer that could be a comedian, that could be you know anything that's live entertainment, so every time that you have them come in you’re going to have them promote your funnel. 

Now what I mean by that is when they post the flyer that is for their own show and this is big when they advertise that they're coming to play at your place so that their audience can come, the idea here is obviously you want their audience to come and you want new people to come in.

They're going to promote this at least two times. Now every time they promote this not only are they going to put the graphic out on social media which is the example you see here. They're going to post a link to something that looks like this thing next to it, which is where the first arrow is pointing on top, it's pointing to an opt in page that's going to live on the internet and it's going to say come to see this week's live show. get 50% off the cover at the door. 

Now listen, some of you may be sitting there saying well I don't want to give 50% off the cover at the door, that's how we pay the bands. Well you can raise your cover a little bit to make up for that. Okay? some of our venues raise the cover. Some of them are more than happy to exchange that for somebody getting in through the door and getting them on this list because they realize that every name on your list, every name in your database that opts into this, is worth a lot in the future so 50% off. 

Now there's a little disclaimer below that you may not be able to read and it says this is for first time customers only. So we ask their first name, we ask for their birthday, we ask for their email, and we ask for their cell phone. When we get those things they are going to get an immediate text message, an immediate email, that's going to give them a little code that they can bring in you know on their phone and whoever's working the door that night can give them the discount if they show that. Now the value in this is that they are now in the database so they can be sent messages every single week to alert them of what’s happening. Now the reason it's so important that we do this and why we build this database up we'll get into that in just a second, but let's go back to the staff powered database. 

This is where inside of your Venue you're going to have Flyers up, you're going to have staff passing out cards to new customers, and you're going to entice people to sign up to your alert list. Okay now what this alert list is, is people that are in your Venue. They're there because they like live music. They're there watching a friend. They're watching some band that they like, but they enjoy live music and so the idea is they don't want to miss live music.

We want to have a medium that they will never miss and that's going to be text message and their personal email so when they actually come through the doors we're going to entice them to also opt into this list. This is something that is powered by what is in your Venue. 

Remember this is for people that are inside and once they've had a chance to kind of fall in love with what you do this is our staff powered database because the staff is going to be pushing this. Your bartenders are going to be you know pushing people to get in there. And your staff's going to be giving out cards to people when they're there watching the bands and they're serving them drinks and food everything is Staff powered. Okay now the reason the staff will actually buy into this is because the larger this database gets the more people you can get in every week to a show which means the staff is going to make more money and tips. 

You're not going to have dead nights because you're going to have so many people on this database after a few months that it's going to be much easier to get people to come through the door. Now, between the band powered database which is what each band that you bring in is promoting this opt-in page this funnel and the staff power database we do this because we are wanting to get people on these list, into these databases, so that we can send them automated monthly reminders. Imagine if every month you just reminded people about something cool that was going on the next month. 

You could literally sit down with yourself and your team and build out the plan and say hey we're doing this every single month and we program it into the system and it goes out. Okay so those messages go out by text messages and go out via email. It's programmed in and it reminds people to come back. Those people already like the venue. We just have to get them back.

It also does something else. The people that book gigs in our venues um they want the shows to go really really well and so we give them access to the tool to send out the emails to send out the actual text messages. And the idea is, let's say we have a show Friday and Saturday with bands coming in. 

By the way that's two bands that would be promoting this list for you. If we have two bands coming in that weekend, whatever the kind of entertainment it is, we are going to have somebody send an on demand broadcast. 

The person that books the shows is usually who does this, so if there's a Friday and a Saturday event, on the Tuesday before they're going to send out a text message that tells people what's coming up that week. That's also going to put butts and seats. 

You think in the beginning you don't have anybody on your database that's not going to work real well but after you run this even just two to four weeks you're going to have a 100 people in your database. 

You're going to have a thousand I've seen in some cases where people have signed up for these things. And now both the band powered database and the staff powered database have got names on the list of people that want these messages. 

And we're sending the messages to come out so hopefully that makes sense. And what I want to do now is break into this a little bit deeper so that you can kind of see why this works so well and what the thinking is behind it.

okay so this is part two. The three kings automations. 

Now this is a very high level way to think about your customers that are coming into your Venue. Let's talk about what we call the three kings automations and these are really in any business what powers a business. It's the way that we think about customers but especially in the live music, live entertainment venues whether it's a bar, coffee shop, a restaurant, whatever we really need three automations to actually power a business. First you need an automation or a sales funnel that's going to get new customers to come in meaning they've never been into your Venue before but you’ve got something to entice them. 

The second one is the most important, which is an automation to get them to come back a second time. Now here's a hard Truth for you when somebody comes into your Venue one time and spends money they're not really your customer yet they are somebody that came in and purchased something from you maybe you know it was a drink maybe they spend a lot of money that time but they're not your customer yet they're only your customer if they come back to your place and spend money twice and so the really important thing you have to understand and I'm sure you do if you've been in this business more than a couple years is if you can get somebody to come in your Venue twice they are yours and they're probably going to come back a lot more than just twice.

Now studies have shown that the longer it takes someone to make that second visit, unfortunately the less likely they are to become an actual customer that comes back long term. So automation number two of the three kings is an automation to really help entice them into that second visit. Okay after that the third is an automation to remind them to come back once a month so let's go through these step by step real quick, just so we can really understand them. Now the first one is the automation to get new customers to come in first. That's where your bands come in. 

You got it figured out if you've got live entertainment you’ve got comedians and bands coming in because every time they come in they're bringing in new customers and even if they're a band that's played at your place 40 times they're probably bringing new customers in every time because they're growing their brand. So the idea is what you need to do is you need to make sure that every single band is having a little bit of an agreement with you. 

Here's the partnership that we have with all of our bands. The partnership agreement is simple: when you play our venue, you share the online flyer which is an example you see on your screen right now. You share that and you share a link to our landing page five days before the gig and the day of the gig.

Now what happens with that is what's coming on with that, that flyer is they see this, they want to go see it, they go to the landing page, because they want something off of their cover. 

So they'll opt into the page, we'll send something to their phone that puts them in the database so what ends up happening here is not only are you having entertainment that's going to entertain your customers and bring in some of their people, but you have people that are now marketing to grow your customer database that you can send messages out to anytime. 

So this is the first part, the second part is this. Once they come in our staff our bartenders our waiters and waitresses, everybody in the venue is pointing out that you have an alert list so that they're always being alerted as to what entertainment is there.

You've got a captive audience that loves live entertainment. Get them on the list so that they never miss a show again. So this is a flyer that you see on your screen, we put up. We also have a business card that we hand out and what happens is remember this funnel is designed to get them to come back that second visit so there's a little deal that comes out with this where we give a little discount on their second visit to lock them in. Now as I said you may be saying well why would I give away a discount to get them in the second time? 

Because remember if you can entice them to get in faster than they normally would the odds are huge that you're going to keep them coming back a lot more often now. 

So what we do is we set up a little automation that goes out and it counts down from 14 days so starting from the time they opt in we're sending them an immediate message with a coupon to get them to come back in, but also, and this is probably the best part, 7 days from the time that they opted in they're going to get another one that reminds them, hey you know get in before this expires.

It's a countdown 3 days before 24 hours before we're reminding them to come in and use this coupon so that we can get them in the second time. This is the automation that gets them to come back the second time now from there we have number three which is an automation to remind them to come back once a month. 

We sit down with every venue that we work with and we program out automated monthly reminders, meaning you don't have to think about it. This is going out to everybody that's on your list whether they've been on your list for 3 months whether they're brand new to your list this week they are going to get automated monthly reminders that remind them about something cool you're doing in your Venue every single month. 

Now this is just a little bit of a reminder that hey we're still here we're still cool you liked us come back in.

Okay so we've got that but also we're putting in a system into the hands of your booking agent or owner, or your managers, that anytime there's a slow week, they can send out a text message they can send out an email and they can they can tell people this is why you should come in today. You don't even have to offer discounts, just remind people what's happening now. 

How this most often gets used this on demand broadcast is once a week we train the people that book the bands to send out a text message on Tuesday and like I said if you have somebody that books entire months at a time they can actually Program in those Tuesday broadcasts where everything is scheduled in advance because they know the bands they're going to have for the next month. And those Tuesdays are just advertising what's coming. 

Now the people that are getting these text messages or emails you are like well aren't they going to get overwhelmed with text messages and be mad at us?

Well here's the rub. They want to be a part of this. They love this. If they don't want to be a part of it they can opt out. They can just text back stop in the text message. They can click the unsubscribe button but what we're going to aggressively do is once a week we're going to send out an on demand broadcast to let them know what's coming up. And here's the thing that you got to realize. 

When you start doing this, within four weeks of you're probably going to have packed out shows and it's going to matter less and less about the kind of entertainment that you have in even those entertainers that you're like ah they're not as good as this one who brings in a lot of people people are going to come because they want to be a part of what you're doing. And here's the really really good part when entertainers see that you're packing places out you're going to start getting better acts coming in anyway so hopefully that makes sense. Those are the three automations like I said all software powered. 

From there let's talk about part three. How to start using the three kings automations this week. Now you could go build this by yourself. You could Stitch a bunch of stuff together but we would love to actually build this for you it's extremely reasonable to build one of these systems.

We are professionals at it, we've done this for lots of folks. All you have to do is call the number below this video to chat with us about setting this up for your Venue.

We can answer any questions that you have about this. To call us is not to say hey we definitely want to sign up. Maybe you're just calling because you want to get some more information about how this works. We'd be glad to walk you through the step by step of how it comes together. If you’ve already been collecting cell phones but maybe the system you have doesn’t let you build what I showed you, we can talk about it.

So I hope you enjoyed the walk through of what we're doing with venues out there that are doing live entertainment to sort of make the whole marketing engine predictable and automated. And how it really works with what you're already doing with bands and works with what bands need to be doing to promote their gigs and with what your staff should be doing to help you grow.

Our onboarding process helps you get you started fast. It's extremely reasonable to run this system. We’ll take care of getting it going and the idea is this within the first month if you do what we explained in this video, you're going to see a huge change in how you're getting people through the door with bands and with live entertainment, with comedians, all that fun stuff and you're going to also notice how efficient this becomes because it's technology that's running all of these things and it's extremely easy to get this set up. We'd love to work with you and like I said I look forward to speaking with you.