Using Website Social Proof to Grow Your Business Faster | OnlineKix Digital Marketing

Boost Your Website Conversion Rates Up To 270% By Adding the Ultimate Social Proof

(and how to do it in less than 5 minutes)

Try our Social Proof Generator to see what it would look like to auto-stream your latest positive Google reviews to your website to boost conversion rates. It's simple, and it works!


 Establish Yourself as a Market Leader by Showcasing Your Google Reviews

 Consumers are looking for the most reputable company, and want to see your most recent positive Google reviews. So give them what they want by putting social proof front and center on your website to establish trust and credibility.

✅ 85%  of consumers think local reviews older than 3 months aren’t relevant

✅ It's possible up to 97% of web visitors leave a website within 8 seconds, going back to Google to look for the most reputable company

✅ On average, consumers read around 10 online reviews before making a decision about a local business. 

✅ 85% of consumers have as much confidence in online review as they do in personal recommendations.


Generate A Constant Stream Of New Google Reviews & Gather Feedback From Unhappy Customers!


Optional Feedback Landing Page

High Converting Page to Gather More Intelligence About Your Business

  • Positive responses take customers to your Google review form to leave nice comments and photos
  • Negative responses ask for feedback details so you can proactively resolve issues before they become a 1-star review
  • Immediate notifications on all negative feedback, so you can address the issue immediately

Create a "Wall of Love"

Establish Your Business as a Clear Market Leader with this Ultimate "Live Stream"

  • Add your positive Google reviews to your home page, a reviews page, or anywhere on your website.
  • Only display your top reviews above 4- and 5-stars
  • Never manually add testimonials to your website again because the refresh happens automatically. 
  • Generate new Google reviews directly from your Google review widget with the "Write a Review" button.

Add Social Proof with Google Reviews To Any Website Platform

Simply Add a Few Lines of Code to Any Platform With Zero Hassle 


Frequently Asked Questions

Why Do I Need To Have My Positive Google Reviews On My Website?

Streaming your most current positive Google reviews help to establish trust and credibility with potential customers by providing them with a source of third-party validation of the business's products or services. Embedding your Google reviews on your site are beneficial for your businesses because they help to improve the visibility of your business on Google search results and Google Maps.

Are positive and negative Google reviews posted on my website?

You are able to set the star rating threshold and only stream your positive Google reviews. For example if you set the threshold to 4 stars and above only reviews with 4 and 5 stars will show up in your Google review widget. You can also supress any reviews that you don't want to show up on your site.

Do All Of My Positive Reviews Show Up On My Website?

Yes. The tool above only pulls in your most recent 5 reviews. When we create an account for you we will pull in all of your Google reviews and only stream the positive ones on your website. If you would like to see what the widget would look like on your site, search for your business above and click on the Generate My Widget button.

Why Should My Business Care About Google Reviews?

Your business needs to be where your customers are at & Google is the dominant player in the search engine market. According to various sources, Google's search engine market share is around 92-95%. Having fresh positive reviews on Google will improve your search engine rankings, leading to more customers for your business.

How Do I Get My Google Reviews Streaming On My Website?

It is extremely simple...Our software is directly connected to the Google API so all you need to do is search for your business above and once you find it select it and click on the button Generate My Widget. This will produce an example of what your social proof will look like as a "Wall of Love" and "Pop Up Badge". After that simply fill out the form and we will contact you immediately to get the one line of code over to you or your web developer. We can get your new widget set up for you in under 5 minutes and all you have to do is add a few lines of code to your site and you are done.

Can I Customize How My Google Reviews Look?

Yes you can customize every aspect of the widget. Use our advanced customization options to make sure your widget fit your website layout. You can change colors, layouts, ordering, remove or show parts of the widgets such as dates, social media logos, and similar.

Create Your Google Review Social Proof Website Booster By Simply Typing In Your Business Name Below!

Use our free tool to generate your website social proof in less than 5 minutes, and see what it might look like if we were to add it to your site to instantly increase conversion rates!


Lauren Dillon
Owner at OnlineKix

Call or Text me at (336) 537-5376